using System;
namespace Veldrid.OpenGLBinding
/// A boolean value stored in an unsigned byte.
public struct GLboolean : IEquatable
/// The raw value of the . A value of 0 represents "false", all other values represent "true".
public byte Value;
/// Constructs a new with the given raw value.
public GLboolean(byte value)
Value = value;
/// Represents the boolean "true" value. Has a raw value of 1.
public static readonly GLboolean True = new GLboolean(1);
/// Represents the boolean "true" value. Has a raw value of 0.
public static readonly GLboolean False = new GLboolean(0);
/// Returns whether another value is considered equal to this one.
/// Two s are considered equal when their raw values are equal.
/// The value to compare to.
/// True if the other value's underlying raw value is equal to this instance's. False otherwise.
public bool Equals(GLboolean other)
return Value.Equals(other.Value);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is GLboolean b && Equals(b);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return $"{(this ? "True" : "False")} ({Value})";
public static implicit operator bool(GLboolean b) => b.Value != 0;
public static implicit operator uint(GLboolean b) => b.Value;
public static implicit operator GLboolean(bool b) => b ? True : False;
public static implicit operator GLboolean(byte value) => new GLboolean(value);
public static bool operator ==(GLboolean left, GLboolean right) => left.Value == right.Value;
public static bool operator !=(GLboolean left, GLboolean right) => left.Value != right.Value;