using System; using NetMQ.Core; namespace NetMQ.Sockets { /// /// A PushSocket is a NetMQSocket intended to be used as the "Push" part of the Push-Pull pattern. /// This will "push" messages to be pulled by the "pull" socket. /// public class PushSocket : NetMQSocket { /// /// Create a new PushSocket and attach socket to zero or more endpoints. /// /// List of NetMQ endpoints, separated by commas and prefixed by '@' (to bind the socket) or '>' (to connect the socket). /// Default action is connect (if endpoint doesn't start with '@' or '>') /// var socket = new PushSocket(">tcp://,@tcp://"); public PushSocket(string? connectionString = null) : base(ZmqSocketType.Push, connectionString, DefaultAction.Connect) { } /// /// Create a new PushSocket based upon the given SocketBase. /// /// the SocketBase to create the new socket from internal PushSocket(SocketBase socketHandle) : base(socketHandle) { } /// doesn't support sending, so this override throws . /// Receive is not supported. public override bool TryReceive(ref Msg msg, TimeSpan timeout) { throw new NotSupportedException("PushSocket doesn't support receiving"); } } }