using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Xaml.Interactivity;
namespace Avalonia.Xaml.Interactions.Custom;
/// Adds a specified to the collection when invoked.
public class AddClassAction : Avalonia.Xaml.Interactivity.Action
/// Identifies the avalonia property.
public static readonly StyledProperty ClassNameProperty =
/// Identifies the avalonia property.
public static readonly StyledProperty StyledElementProperty =
/// Identifies the avalonia property.
public static readonly StyledProperty RemoveIfExistsProperty =
/// Gets or sets the class name that should be added. This is a avalonia property.
public string ClassName
get => GetValue(ClassNameProperty);
set => SetValue(ClassNameProperty, value);
/// Gets or sets the target styled element that class name that should be added to. This is a avalonia property.
public StyledElement? StyledElement
get => GetValue(StyledElementProperty);
set => SetValue(StyledElementProperty, value);
/// Gets or sets the flag indicated whether to remove the class if already exists before adding. This is a avalonia property.
public bool RemoveIfExists
get => GetValue(RemoveIfExistsProperty);
set => SetValue(RemoveIfExistsProperty, value);
/// Executes the action.
/// The that is passed to the action by the behavior. Generally this is or a target object.
/// The value of this parameter is determined by the caller.
/// True if the class is successfully added; else false.
public override object Execute(object? sender, object? parameter)
if (!IsEnabled)
return false;
var target = GetValue(StyledElementProperty) is not null ? StyledElement : sender as StyledElement;
if (target is null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassName))
return false;
if (RemoveIfExists && target.Classes.Contains(ClassName))
return true;